
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Tuna Kuwharuwharu - Longfin Eel

This term we have been learning all about the longfin Eel. Our assembly item was based on the story Velvet and Elvis. This was a story about the migration journey that the longfin eel takes.

Click here to view our Te Manga assembly class post

I have created 3 different digital learning objects (DLO) to share my learning on this topic.

The first is a poster that I created in my topic book about the challenges to the long fin eel. Whaea Deb took a photo and I inserted it.

I created a longfin Eel life cycle using google drawing.

I shared some interesting facts about the longfin eel on a google doc.

Monday, June 24, 2019

MY wonderful Reading video- kangaroo

I Felt Happy When I was Reading in the library and I Felt Nervous and we I was stew reading. 

Friday, June 21, 2019

Blast Fast to the past

I am learning to use the BANING words resource to help me to use more interesting words in my writing.check out the Quality words I chose for Fast,sLow and Big
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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Rarangi Matahiko - Our Learning at Waitangi

Last Tuesday our class got to school early at  8.00 and we hop on the bus and we went to Waitangi  to do new learning. we saw Whaea Kerry Whaea Monika, they took us up stairs then we all saw some colourful beanbags. I was excited  and we took our shoes off then I saw the technology. We did numbers to 1 to 50 and we came six place.  We used the surface pros. I did paint 3D we made eels on paint 3D. We went to play a game called chain tag and the game was fun when we were on the field and and my eel was a wiggly eel in the water. I took a photo next to the green screen and we can do any thing and we did kahoot and and it was amazing we pack up to go on the bus back to school so we can get pack up from my mum and dad then I went home.